Monday, January 18, 2010

black velour

I think it is notable to take a step back and discuss what I wore to the hospital. Every heavy person I know can boast of at least 1 black velour jogging suit and probably another in a dark color too. At our house it is referred to as the go-to outfit. It's terribly comfy, hides all blemishes, and lets a heavy person still feel somewhat stylish. I've been sporting my same black velour for several years. When the pants got a little too snug and faded, I replaced them with 1 size up and kept on wearing it like I like it. Looking at pics over the past decade, I really liked that go-to outfit. I had one in a lighter color blue but after seeing myself in it in pics I retired is just so much more flattering.

I took the black velour to the hospital to wear home after having McKenna. It looked cute with a pink t-shirt underneath. Pics also reveal that I wore the same outfit when she was 6 weeks old and we went to our first weight-watchers meeting together. I wore it throughout my pregnancy with Pudge...the jacket stretched a bit but that just made it even more comfy. I wore it home from the hospital with a blue t-shirt underneath... a trend had started for sure.

Well, I found myself looking for an outfit to wear to the hospital Th and wouldn't you know, I went to the go-to black velour with the pink t-shirt..again. I thought it would be memorable for sure. I also packed clothes to come home in, a pair of black pants and an Alabama t-shirt. The t-shirt has memories too. I wore it the football season of 2002 and it literally hung on me. I remember having trouble getting it all stuffed into my jeans. Baby G had been born that year and I remember thinking to myself how nice it was to care for a baby while being thin. Sadly I would never care for one of my babies while being thin. If you recall, I was at my goal weight and then gained 55 lbs while pregnant with McKenna and added another 35 while pregnant with Pudge.

I'm looking so forward to BURNING the black velour. I may replace it but it will be with a pastelle, even if I have to wear a pair of spanx underneath it! As for the Alabama t-shirt, think it is time to retire it for a National Championship one. Another underlying thought here is that the Brookshires could stand to replace our wardrobes a little more frequently lest we be hoarders:)

I'm feeling a little better today than yesterday. I'm trying to wean myself from lortab to plain tylenol and that is laughable quite frankly. The pain is not unbearable so I am going to try and stick it out. I praise God that I have not had ANY nausea since getting home. That is awesome. I also saw a number on the scale today that I have not seen in over a year, woohoo. I wish I could be the person who could wait to weigh weekly but no chance. I'm sure I will revert to my obsessive self and weigh in the morning, after work, and before bed. Whatever keeps me on track though.


  1. So glad everything went well! Your posts are hilarious! AND, I had a dream while I was out of town that you had already lost 16lbs.... how weird?! Haha! See you Wed. :)

  2. I'm so glad you decided to blog this definitely makes me giggle! And I have a very tiny light blue velour that Greg bought me for Christmas in the early 2000's when he still had no clue what I weighed. I have held on to that thing with iron grips no matter how hard he has pushed me to get rid of it...I will be in that thing one day! And him going to my pregnancy appointments and subsequent delivery destroyed all preconceived notions he had about my weight!
