Monday, January 18, 2010

discharge and homeward bound

Two blogs in one day, I'm obviously getting bored! Before our velour tangent we were up to the point of Saturday morning and nurse Tina. She went through the copious amounts of discharge counseling, pulled my drainage tube (without my assistance to strip it), pulled my IV, and we were pretty well all set. Of course Dr. Miles came in at some point that morning and eye-balled the incisions. I asked him to write me an Rx for venlfavaxine ER tablets so I would not have to continue the effexor capsule issue but he told me to follow-up with my PCP, he would not even know how to write that. Hmmm, take out the Rx pad, write the drug name which I will spell for you, etc, etc, etc. Whatever, I called Dr. Real's office today and the venlafaxine ER tabs should be waiting at the pharmacy now. I can swallow them and not worry about swallowing granules.

I was scared I would get nausaus on the way home but thankfully didn't. I sent Cayce in when we got home to again remind the kids that mommy had boo-boos and not to attack her. Also to remind them I could not lift them. Bless their hearts they stood on the porch and McKenna gave me the most gentle of hugs. She declared that I would go to her room and that water would make me feel better. Actually, she was kind of right cause I wanted a shower in the worst possible way and shower I did. Next I napped and later transplanted myself to the recliner. I showed the lil Brookshires my boo-boo's to emphasize the don't jump on mommy rule. That has gone relatively well with only 1 Pudgy elbow in my belly to date, and I'm still paying for it:)

Since then I have been ingesting as many fluids as possible with a goal of 64 oz per day. I'm dining on protein shakes (whey protein isolate), carnation instant breakfast, creamy tomato soup, and water. I added my bariatric vitamins yesterday and got one dose down. Today I got two doses down. Seems like most of my available stomach room is being taken up by meds but that will decrease in time. I've not had a sincere hunger pain yet...yay success!! I had one episode of weakness before my first protein shake and after E made me laugh today. Otherwise, I would say I am doing GREAT. My discomfort at this point is less than that I suffered after child-birth, especially since I am not having to sit on the angry area. Sleeping on my side is difficult but will improve with some time.

Tomorrow will be my first attempt out of the house. Parent-teacher conference so surely I can pull off 15 minutes, you think? It will certainly be the 35 min before of making myself presentable that will be the hard part. Maybe I could borrow E's shower seat or walker with a seat. So lucky to have all the adaptive equipment I could ever need right downstairs. Guess my next post will be about my adventure away from home.

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