Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I went for my pre-op today. I could not resist the temptation of asking the girl processing my paper-work if they ever referred to the bariatric patients as "herding the cattle". She laughed out loud but denied it...I still can't help but wonder:)

I saw Dr. Schmitt for any last minute questions and to sign my release. That was a bit daunting to have to sign an acknowledgement that was was an elective procedure that I had selected and that, as with all major surgeries, there were risks of complications that could prove fatal, hmmm. That puts things in perspective now doesn't it? They processed me through regarding insurance and details and will call me tomorrow to tell me what time to report. They reminded me to bring my CPAP or they would cancel the surgery in a heartbeat. They are so stinkin serious about this CPAP thing. Cayce is taking mine in to be read tomorrow and they will fax over the confirmation to Dr. Schmitt to clear the final hoop.

So...with all this perspective what am I thinking. I can tell you that I have been guilty of discounting someones weight loss knowing they had had surgery. To me being unaware they "took the easy way out". I've also been puzzled in the past by people who have had bariatric surgery but maybe didn't look like they had had bariatric surgery. Well, I now understand a whole lot more. There will be a lot of work involved here. I'm still going to be counting points, counting protein, journaling my blt's, water, etc. but the difference is I will have a tool to help mute the hunger pains so I can "stay on program". I'm really excited about this tool b/c I can tell you, if I am not hungry, I don't just eat to eat, except the occasional stop at Edgars of course. So, I have compared the risks vs. benefits and particulary my long-term risks of obesity related illnesses and am at peace this is the route I need to go, particulary after 8 days of drinking fluids and having the daunting reminder of the hunger pains and hypoglycemia.

Tomorrow will bring clear fluids and the dreaded prep then Thursday is the big day!!!! Please pray for peace of mind and no complications.

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