Tuesday, January 26, 2010

No rolls for me

There is really not much to blog about tonight but I'm bored so here I am...blogging to cyberspace. I came home from Atlanta today and we stopped at O'Charleys for lunch. I resisted the rolls and it was not too hard which was sooo strange to me. I'm wondering if they took part of my brain out with my stomach. I ordered a cup of loaded potato soup then scooped out the bacon and cheese on top. That was a smidge painful I will admit. However, a lunch bill of 3.89 was not bad at all. I must say I will probably make money off this trip cause the gov't gives you so much to eat on and I didn't even put a dent in it. Gets that is my compensation.

I am glad to report that I can get down a normal size drink now without discomfort. Initially I could only get down about 2.5mls per drink and that was frustrating. It was slightly painful going in and bloated me..even water. Now I can take a normal size drink without discomfort...yay. I am 13 days without a carbonated beverage and am learning to really love my water. The thing about water is the more you dring, the more you want. I'm really glad to be off carbonation and how great has it been to NOT have a caffeine headache in the afternoons. Wahoo!! I've definately not gotten in enough protein y'day or today but will truly, truly make up for it tomorrow. I intended to make a shake tonight but I developed a mystery pain and have just been on the couch taking it easy since I got home. It's significantly better now.

So Thursday is the big day....soft foods. I cannot believe I have made it without permanent injury but I have. I may have to set my clock at midnight to have some cream-of-wheat...is that splitting hairs? Guess your answer depends on whether you have been drinking broth and soup for 2 weeks, 1 day:) I am nervous about introducing foods. Just b/c I am allowed to advance to soft foods does not mean I will tolerate them. They recommend that if you don't tolerate something the first time you try it to try again at another time. Intolerance would present as bloating, nausea, or an uncomfortable full feeling. For me it would most likely be bloating. I'm going to keep things bland to start out and hope for the best. I've done so well to this point, I hope adding foods is just as smooth.

McKenna Poodle is requesting tea which is now unsweet in our house. More to come tomorrow on my mystery pain and menu prep for Th.

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